Development of Financial Indicators

AT&S strives for a net debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 3.0 multiples, while the minimum target for the equity ratio has been set at 30%. Both indicators may temporarily range above or below the planned limits, especially in years of major investments.

The following shows a timeline for the indicators “leverage” and “equity ratio”, calculated on the basis of the consolidated financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)

Financial indicatorsFY 2017/18FY 2018/19FY 2019/20FY 2020/21FY 2021/22FY 2022/23FY 2023/24
Equity ratio46.5%45%41%33.6%33.4%27.8%20.7%
Leverage = net debt / EBITDA
Equity ratio = equity / total assets


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