奥特斯——奥地利在华企业的典范 | ATS–A Role Model for Foreign Investment in China

发布日期: 2014年10月27日


As a world leading printed circuit board manufacturer and a role model for Austrian investment in China, AT&S was invited to several events aimed at promoting Sino-Austrian friendly cooperative relation in October. Please find attached slides for more information about these events.


10月21日,BU MS CEO潘正锵先生作为嘉宾应邀参加了在香港举办的首届澳中投资高峰会。On 21 Oct., Mr. C. J. Phua, BU MS CEO, was presented as VIP at first Sino-Austrian Investor and business conference in Hong Kong.



10月24日,BU MS COO高瑞实先生受邀作为嘉宾出席了大中华奥地利企业家联席会。On 24 Oct, Mr. Peter Griehsnig, BU MS COO, was invited as VIP to Austria Connect Greater China 2014 .



10月22日,奥地利副总理兼联邦部长一行访问了奥特斯上海工厂。On 22 Oct., Austrian Vice Premier Minister/Federal Minister of Science & Technology and the delegation visited AT&S SHA plant.