



研发总监Hannes Voraberger








为了保持我们在技术和环保责任方面的领先地位,我们将10%的收入投入新产品和新工艺的研发。目前,这相当于每年投入约1.554 亿欧元。我们在奥地利的工厂从这项投资中受益匪浅,已经有一大批先进的技术准备投产。


奥特斯 在高科技印制电路板(PCB)和半导体封装载板的生产制造方面拥有800多项专利。这些创新产品和技术是我们收入的重要贡献者,它们经过数年的研发,在投入市场三年后,为我们带来25,9%的收入。

  • 我们20%以上的收入直接来自我们的创新能力。

  • 我们每赚10欧元就有1欧元直接投入研发。

  • 通过扩建利奥本工厂,我们首次将奥地利和整个欧洲纳入半导体工业的高科技生产基地版图。

  • 我们拥有数百项专利,这表明创新于我们而言并不只是一个常常挂在嘴边的流行语。


















通过与一些著名的科研机构合作,我们一直处于行业的技术前沿,其中包括德国的弗劳恩霍夫研究所(Fraunhofer Institute),格拉茨技术大学(Graz University of Technology)、利奥本矿业大学(Montanuniversität Leoben)、Silicon Austria Labs、印度理工学院和美国弗吉尼亚理工大学等。通过大力投资以及与优秀的研究伙伴合作,我们不断巩固我们的技术专家地位,并推动电子行业未来的技术突破。




IPCEI on Microelectronics & Communication Technologies (IPCEI ME/CT)

The IPCEI ME/CT concerns research and development projects covering microelectronics and communication technologies along the entire value chain, from materials and tools to chip designs and manufacturing processes.

These projects aim to enable the digital and green transformation by

  • creating innovative microelectronics and communication solutions and
  • developing energy-saving and resource-efficient electronic systems and manufacturing methods.

They will contribute to the technological advancement of important industry sectors, including communications (5G and 6G), autonomous driving, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. They will also actively support companies in their green transitions by facilitating the sustainable generation, distribution and use of energy.

IPCEI ME/CT succeeds and complements the first IPCEI, which has already been completed successfully, by supporting research and innovation in the field of microelectronics.

The project was jointly prepared and announced by fourteen Member States: Austria, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

AT&S – Part of IPCEI ME/CT

AT&S aims to strengthen its position in the value creation chain and to enter new and demanding fields of expertise by establishing a R&D line and a prototyping and small volume line for advanced IC Substrates and packaging technologies. The new facilities will create a world-class competence center for organic IC Substrates and highly integrated modules.

With this project, AT&S is addressing the following overall objectives pertaining to the work stream THINK – work package 2 Semiconducter Technologies, smart manufacturing.

  • Modeling the future
    Virtual development & system understanding for European technology leadership
  • Miniaturization
    Features on Substrate level capable of routing 2nm node processors
  • Flexible Manufacturing
    Speed up development cycles and realize small volumes
  • Die Integration
    Increase power efficiency on system level

AT&S focuses on establishing and ramping up a smart and sustainable

  • R&D line for of advanced fan-out, IC-substrate and packaging technologies, targeting new generations of IC Substrates with up to 6x higher wiring density.
  • Prototyping and small volume line for IC-Substrates and packaging technology.
  • Competence centre for the industrial development of advanced fan-out, IC-Substrates and packaging technologies to utilize the competences for interaction and collaboration with different partners.

AT&S IPCEI ME/CT spill over activities include the following:

Industry collaboration & Research co-operations
Induced by IPCEI ME/CT, AT&S will support and strengthen development activities across Europe along the value chain and with universities and RTOs. With these activities, we create positive spill- over effects for Europe.

Strengthen education and talents & sharing know-how
AT&S will foster the involvement of universities in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and make the knowledge available to partners (SMEs, universities and RTOs).

Horizon Europe – MIcroelectronics RELiability driven by Artificial Intelligence (MIRELAI)

MIRELAI is an EU-funded Industrial Doctoral Network with the ambition to address the challenges reliability, sustainability, and verification efforts related to the production of microelectronics components, and boost Europe’s innovation capacity and competitiveness in the market.

To achieve this goal, the project recruited 13 doctoral candidates (DCs) to investigate the physics of degradation and reduce testing and verification efforts across the value chain of electronic components and systems, while providing invaluable skills to the next generation of engineers.

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CHIPS JU – Sustainable Technologies Enabling Future Telecom Applications (SHIFT)

SHIFT is an European funded Project with the Goal to develop an innovative transceiver prototype enabling future generation mobile devices to utilize the wide spectrum beyond 100GHz efficiently and effectively.

SHIFT will develop a technology design platform for the new SiGe BiCMOS technology and integration concepts. The platform can be used to design commercial MMIC´s for very high frequencies (telecommunication, health, instrumentation, smart mobility, robotics, industry) up to 200GHz.


  • Application (Specification on system, TX/RX, circuits)
  • Design: B55X circuit design, PA design, RF interposer design
  • TX/RX Integration (RF interposer/PCB)
  • TRX system development and validation

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CHIPS JU – Heterogeneous Integration for Connectivity and Sustainability (HiConnects)

HiConnects is an European funded Project with the Goal to develop innovative panel level packaging technologies with high level integration of advanced heterogeneous photonic and RF components, based on Embedding.

Development of structuring and integration processes for future IC substrates and non-destructive testing of suitable process and metrology equipment development.

Develop the optical integration of next generation smart-NIC and switch platforms with higher bandwidth and lower energy consumption.

Develop the integration of RF Components for 77 GhZ & 144 GhZ Automotive Radar.

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MICROELEctronic 2 market – InnoPower

This project is a development in the field of embedding, which means the integration of semiconductor components into a printed circuit board (“Process Flow Center Core Embedding”).

In this specific case, it involves the production of a DC/DC converter that converts a DC input voltage (DC) into a DC output voltage (DC = Direct Current). In order to produce such a DC/DC converter, both driver and SFET (Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) components are integrated into a small area on a printed circuit board in order to achieve a package that can  be used in the field of “artificial intelligence”. By integrating the semiconductor components, a significant reduction in the size of the DC/DC converters can be achieved. Compared to “state of the art” products, a size reduction of > 50% can be achieved.

Innovationscamps M – DeCarb

Empowering enterprises towards zero carbon from science to action

The DeCarb Project funded by the FFG (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft) has the goal to strengthen the competitiveness and securing the location of companies through a know-how lead in decarbonization. Furthermore, a best practice community of climate pioneers who act as multipliers is established.

Horizon Europe – Packaging of Ultra-Dynamic Photonic Switches and Transceivers (PUNCH)

Packaging of novel Ultra-dyNamiC pHotonic switches and transceivers for integration into 5G radio access network and datacenter sub-systems.

New optical switches can speed up the backbone of our data networks. The EU-funded PUNCH project will develop a new solution for optical switching that addresses several industrial requirements, including reliable and low latency communication with guaranteed service quality, less network congestion (and data loss or delay), lower power consumption and reduced cost of transmission interfaces.

To do so, PUNCH will develop novel photonic components and corresponding interface electronics, establish scalable integration and photonics packaging processes and ICS, and manufacture different prototypes which will be demonstrated and validated in industrial 5G and data centre test-beds.

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The EECONE – EUROPEAN ECOSYSTEM FOR GREEN ELECTRONIC is EU Chips Project involving more than 40 Partners from different European countries. The goal of the project is finding ways to reduce e-waste and increase sustainability in electronics industry in general.

Within the project AT&S is developing a Life Cycle Assessment Toolset as well as concepts to reduce the environmental footprint of PCB Manufacturing.

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SFG – Multiwet Tool Infinity C+

The SFG funded project ‘Multiwet Tool Infinity C+‘ is about a flexible machine which enables the implementation of multiple wet-chemical processes on one single machine.

That flexibility is optimal for the usage of that machine for R&D applications due to several reasons.

The configuration of the equipment enables up to six different processes. That processes are typically realized on very large horizontal or vertical lines, but have been implemented on that machine in a compressed way to save space in the cleanroom facility.

The single chamber processing is optimized for sustainability and protects the environment as the consumption of chemicals and water at the rinsing is minimized.

Processes like etching of thin metal layers as well as developing and stripping of photosensitive layer are essential for the development of AT&S‘ IC Substrate technology out of Europe.



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