奥特斯 历史上的里程碑
从国资企业到全球企业。 奥特斯的成功故事始于奥地利的几家国有电子工业企业,随着在马来西亚和利奥本总部建新工厂,一路走到现在的巅峰。奥特斯从一家奥地利的小公司崛起成为一家持续扩张的全球性企业,这之中始终秉持睿智的敏捷头脑、果敢的投资和以创新为核心的企业理念。
Gigantic data processing centers have a disadvantage: data transmission takes too long for new applications such as online gaming, smart devices, the Internet of Things, drones or robots. The solution? Edge computing – processing power at the edge of the cloud: response in real time.
The other week, we started telling you about the strategic approach to sustainability at AT&S. Today, let us delve a little deeper.