奥特斯 历史上的里程碑
从国资企业到全球企业。 奥特斯的成功故事始于奥地利的几家国有电子工业企业,随着在马来西亚和利奥本总部建新工厂,一路走到现在的巅峰。奥特斯从一家奥地利的小公司崛起成为一家持续扩张的全球性企业,这之中始终秉持睿智的敏捷头脑、果敢的投资和以创新为核心的企业理念。
The resurrection of the Beatles for new songs and Sean Connery as the best James Bond ever in new films? This will soon no longer be a problem for the brave new world of AI.
Marco Gavagnin is thoroughly scientist. He studied chemistry and shapes AT&S as a technology forecast expert: "My job is a dream job!"
Ulrike Klein loves great challenges. She burns for inspiring others and once she has set her mind to something, she will achieve it. No matter whether or not others think that is possible.