奥特斯 历史上的里程碑
从国资企业到全球企业。 奥特斯的成功故事始于奥地利的几家国有电子工业企业,随着在马来西亚和利奥本总部建新工厂,一路走到现在的巅峰。奥特斯从一家奥地利的小公司崛起成为一家持续扩张的全球性企业,这之中始终秉持睿智的敏捷头脑、果敢的投资和以创新为核心的企业理念。
Whether it's a t-shirt, the latest smartphone, or a car: Sustainable products can only be manufactured if the ecological footprint of the entire supply chain passes the sustainability check. The challenge for global companies like AT&S lies in meeting countless requirements in the most diverse economic areas.
Car batteries are often dismissed as the Achilles heel of transforming from combustion to electric cars: too heavy and insufficient storage. However, by integrating them into the supporting car structure, car manufacturers save weight and volume while increasing the range. And network operators see another future for the batteries of nationwide car fleets: as an electricity storage device that can provide peak loads in the electricity grids.
lready taken enough steps today, got up regularly, trained? Ever since the Apple Watch and Fitbit, we've been familiar with those little "nudges" in favor of our health. However, wearables and apps have long been able to do much more. Their sensors collect millions of data from pulse to blood oxygen levels – not only for diagnosis but also for therapy.