奥特斯受邀出席魅族新品发布会|AT&S Invited to Meizu Smartphone Launch Event
11月19日,作为魅族手机的核心供应商,奥特斯荣幸地受邀参与了这家国内智能机知名品牌在北京国家体育馆为其顶级旗舰机MX4 Pro举办的新品发布会。奥特斯全球移动通讯业务生产及质量总裁Mr. Gueli先生和中国区销售经理Alex Zhang代表我司参与了这场兼备时尚元素和壮观场面的发布会,见证了这一值得所有关注中国智能手机品牌的国人记住的日子。
On Nov.19, as the key supplier of Meizu, a Chinese smartphone maker, AT&S was invited to attend the launch event of their top flagship model MX4 Pro in National Stadium in Beijing. On behalf of AT&S, Mr. Gueli, COO Mobile Application Division and Alex Zhang, China Sales Manager were presented at this spectacular event and witnessed this meaningful day for those who pay close attention to the Chinese smartphone market.