奥特斯重庆爱心助学两江新区贫困儿童 AT&S Chongqing participated philanthropic activity on Children’s education
六一儿童节将至, “情系两江•爱心助学”公益捐助活动于5月29日在两江新区管委会顺利举办,此次活动旨在帮扶两江新区工业开发区的贫困家庭儿童完成学业。作为一家恪守社会责任的企业,奥特斯科技(重庆)有限公司迅速响应团市委和两江新区的号召,积极参与此次活动,为当地青少年公益事业献出自己的一份爱心。As the approaching of the International Children’s Day, a philanthropic event was successfully held at the office building of Liangjiang Administrative Committee on May 29th, 2014, the purpose of the event is to help the children from needy families to continue their study. AT&S, as a company dedicated to social responsibility, made a quick response on the appeal from the Youth League of Chonqing and Liangjiang Government, and took active involvement in this meaningful event.
会上,奥特斯科技(重庆)有限公司企业事务与公共事务部经理夏茜女士向受助学生送上礼物和助学金 Ms. Maggie Xia, Manager of Corporate Affair & Communications of AT&S Chongqing presented gifts and scholarship to the needy students. 工作人员带领鱼复,龙兴,水土三园区的贫困儿童参观重庆两江新区规划展览馆The working staff guilded the tour of needy children from Yufu, Longxing and Shuitu industry park in plan exhibition gallery of Liangjiang New Area. 在两江新区管委会大门前,小朋友们与爱心单位代表合影留念A group photo of children with representatives of organizations in front of main gate of Liangjiang Committee奥特斯重庆企业事务与公共事务部经理夏茜女士代表公司出席了活动仪式,与其他爱心单位一起为孩子们捐赠了书包、文具等学习用品及助学金,勉励孩子们努力学习、早日成才。On behalf of the company, Ms. Maggie Xia, Manager of Corporate Affair & Communications of Chongqing Plant, took part in the event. Together with government officials and representatives from other organizations, gifts like school bags, stationery and scholarship were presented to the kids to encourage them to study hard for the better future.
本次活动以重庆市青少年发展基金会为平台,总共募集到近10万元爱心善款,将用于援助50名新区贫困学生。A collective fund of around RMB 100,000 was raised in the event and donated to Chongqing Youth Development Foundation, which will benefit 50 needy students.